主題 教學/Theme-based Learning  kids read
K1-1_認識骨骼 Let's learn about our bones
K1-2_我長大了(我會練習紮衣服) I am growing up! I know how to tuck in my shirt
K1-3_小威向前衝(生命的起源) Let's read about Where Willy Went.
K1-4_超級奶爸奶媽 We are the super mommies and daddies!
K1-5_每日飲食指南 My Food Guide
K1-6_我長大了 I am growing up!
K1-7_小威向前衝(生命的起源) The lesson about Where Willy Went
K1-8_我的心情轉盤 Feelings and Emotions
K1-9_我會做家事 I can do housework.
K1-10_食物分類遊戲 Let's classify our food.
K2-1_北投宅急便DIY Beitou motorcycle
K2-2_夢幻婚紗攝影公司 Our Wedding and Photo Studio
K2-3_金頭腦遊樂園-有趣的象棋 The Golden Brain Amusement Park - Fun Chess Games
K2-4_老闆我要泡湯 Let's go to the hotspring!
K2-5_北投泡腳池 Beitou Foot Spa Hotspring
K2-6_歡迎光臨請問你要點什麼? Welcome! May I take your order?
K2-7_日本拉麵おいしい Super Yummy Ramen
K2-8_妖怪村建置中 Let's build our Monster Village!
K2-9_凱達格蘭文化館建置中 Let's build our Ketagalan Culture Center!
K2-10_幸福禮品店開幕囉 The Blissful Souvenir Shop.

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